url(string): An object containing the URL of the aggregation.
rights: An object containing information about the rights held in and over the aggregation and the license under which a aggregation is shared. Default: null.
AggregationType(string): Must be one of: ["Generic", "FileSet", "GeoRaster", "NetCDF", "GeoFeature", "RefTimeseries", "TimeSeries", "ModelProgram", "ModelInstance", "CSV"].
BoxCoverage(object): A class used to represent geographic coverage metadata for a resource or aggregation expressed as a
latitude-longitude bounding box.
type(string): A string containing the type of geographic coverage. Must be one of: ["box"]. Default: "box".
name(string): A string containing a name for the place associated with the geographic coverage. Default: null.
northlimit(number, required): A floating point value containing the constant coordinate for the northernmost face or edge of the bounding box. Exclusive minimum: -90.0. Exclusive maximum: 90.0.
eastlimit(number, required): A floating point value containing the constant coordinate for the easternmost face or edge of the bounding box. Exclusive minimum: -180.0. Exclusive maximum: 180.0.
southlimit(number, required): A floating point value containing the constant coordinate for the southernmost face or edge of the bounding box. Exclusive minimum: -90.0. Exclusive maximum: 90.0.
westlimit(number, required): A floating point value containing the constant coordinate for the westernmost face or edge of the bounding box. Exclusive minimum: -180.0. Exclusive maximum: 180.0.
units(string, required): A string containing the units applying to the unlabelled numeric values of northlimit, eastlimit, southlimit, and westlimit.
projection(string): A string containing the name of the projection used with any parameters required, such as ellipsoid parameters, datum, standard parallels and meridians, zone, etc. Default: null.
PeriodCoverage(object): A class used to represent temporal coverage metadata for a resource or aggregation.
name(string): A string containing a name for the time interval. Default: null.
start(string, required): A datetime object containing the instant corresponding to the commencement of the time interval.
end(string, required): A datetime object containing the instant corresponding to the termination of the time interval.
PointCoverage(object): A class used to represent geographic coverage metadata for a resource or aggregation expressed as a
point location.
type(string): A string containing the type of geographic coverage. Must be one of: ["point"]. Default: "point".
name(string): A string containing a name for the place associated with the geographic coverage. Default: null.
east(number, required): The coordinate of the point location measured in the east direction. Exclusive minimum: -180.0. Exclusive maximum: 180.0.
north(number, required): The coordinate of the point location measured in the north direction. Exclusive minimum: -90.0. Exclusive maximum: 90.0.
units(string, required): The units applying to the unlabelled numeric values of north and east.
projection(string, required): The name of the projection used with any parameters required, such as ellipsoid parameters, datum, standard parallels and meridians, zone, etc.
ProcessingLevel(object): A class used to represent the metadata associated with a processing level contained within a time series
processing_level_code(string, required): A string containing a short but meaningful code identifying the processing level.
definition: A string containing a description of the processing level. Default: null.
Any of
explanation: A string containing a more extensive explanation of the meaning of the processing level. Default: null.
Any of
Rights(object): A class used to represent the rights statement metadata associated with a resource.
statement(string, required): A string containing the text of the license or rights statement.
url(string, required): An object containing the URL pointing to a description of the license or rights statement.
TimeSeriesMethod(object): A class used to represent the metadata associated with a method contained within a time series aggregation.
method_code(string, required): A string containing a short but meaningful code identifying the method.
method_name(string, required): A string containing the name of the method.
method_type(string, required): A string containing the method type from the ODM2 Method Type controlled vocabulary.
method_description: A string containing a detailed description of the method. Default: null.
Any of
method_link: An object containing a URL that points to a website having a detailed description of the method. Default: null.
Any of
TimeSeriesResult(object): A class used to represent the metadata associated with a time series result within a time series aggregation.
series_id(string, required): A string containing a unique identifier for the time series result.
unit: An object containing the units in which the values of the time series are expressed. Default: null.
status: A string containing the status of the time series result chosen from the ODM2 Status controlled vocabulary. Default: null.
Any of
sample_medium(string, required): A string containing the sample medium in which the time series result was measured chosen from the ODM2 Medium controlled vocabulary.
value_count(integer, required): An integer value containing the number of data values contained within the time series result.
aggregation_statistic(string, required): A string containing the aggregation statistic associated with the values of the time series result chosen from the ODM2 Aggregation Statistic controlled vocabulary.
series_label(string): A string containing a label for the time series result. Default: null.
site: An object containing metadata about the site at which the time series result was created.
processing_level: An object containing metadata about the processing level or level of quality control to which the time series result values have been subjected.
utc_offset: A floating point value that represents the time offset from UTC time in hours associated with the time series result value timestamps. Default: null.
Any of
TimeSeriesSite(object): A class used to represent the metadata associated with a site contained within a time series aggregation.
site_code(string, required): A string containing a short but meaningful code identifying the site.
site_name: A string containing the name of the site. Default: null.
Any of
elevation_m: A floating point number expressing the elevation of the site in meters. Default: null.
Any of
elevation_datum: A string expressing the elevation datum used from the ODM2 Elevation Datum controlled vocabulary. Default: null.
Any of
site_type: A string containing the type of site from the ODM2 Sampling Feature Type controlled vocabulary . Default: null.
Any of
latitude: A floating point value expressing the latitude coordinate of the site. Default: null.
Any of
longitude: A floating point value expressing the longitude coordinate of the site. Default: null.
Any of
TimeSeriesVariable(object): A class used to represent the metadata associated with a variable contained within a time series aggregation.
variable_code(string, required): A string containing a short but meaningful code that identifies a variable.
variable_name(string, required): A string containing the name of the variable.
variable_type(string, required): A string containing the type of variable from the ODM2 VariableType controlled vocabulary.
no_data_value(integer, required): The NoData value for the variable.
variable_definition: A string containing a detailed description of the variable. Default: null.
Any of
speciation: A string containing the speciation for the variable from the ODM2 Speciation control vocabulary. Default: null.
Any of
Unit(object): A class used to represent the metadata associated with a dimensional unit within a time series aggregation.
type(string, required): A string containing the type of unit from the ODM2 Units Type controlled vocabulary.
name(string, required): A string containing the name of the unit from the ODM2 units list.
abbreviation(string, required): A string containing an abbreviation for the unit from the ODM2 units list.