Represents an Aggregation in HydroShare

main_file_path: str property readonly

The path to the main file in the aggregation

metadata: BaseMetadata property readonly

A metadata object for reading and updating metadata values

metadata_file property readonly

The path to the metadata file

metadata_path: str property readonly

The path to the metadata file

aggregation(self, **kwargs)

Returns a single Aggregation in the resource that matches the filtering parameters. Uses the same filtering rules described in the aggregations method. :params **kwargs: Search by properties on the metadata object :return: An Aggregation object matching the filter parameters or None if no matching Aggregation was found.

Source code in hsclient/
def aggregation(self, **kwargs) -> BaseMetadata:
    Returns a single Aggregation in the resource that matches the filtering parameters.  Uses the same filtering
    rules described in the aggregations method.
    :params **kwargs: Search by properties on the metadata object
    :return: An Aggregation object matching the filter parameters or None if no matching Aggregation was found.
    aggregations = self.aggregations(**kwargs)
    if aggregations:
        return aggregations[0]
    return None

aggregations(self, **kwargs)

List the aggregations in the resource. Filter by properties on the metadata object using kwargs. If you need to filter on nested properties, use __ (double underscore) to separate the properties. For example, to filter by the BandInformation name, call this method like aggregations(band_information__name="the name to search"). :params **kwargs: Search by properties on the metadata object :return: a List of Aggregation objects matching the filter parameters

Source code in hsclient/
def aggregations(self, **kwargs) -> List[BaseMetadata]:
    List the aggregations in the resource.  Filter by properties on the metadata object using kwargs.  If you need
    to filter on nested properties, use __ (double underscore) to separate the properties.  For example, to filter
    by the BandInformation name, call this method like aggregations(band_information__name="the name to search").
    :params **kwargs: Search by properties on the metadata object
    :return: a List of Aggregation objects matching the filter parameters
    aggregations = self._aggregations
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        if key.startswith('file__'):
            file_args = {key[len('file__') :]: value}
            aggregations = [agg for agg in aggregations if agg.files(**file_args)]
        elif key.startswith('files__'):
            file_args = {key[len('files__') :]: value}
            aggregations = [agg for agg in aggregations if agg.files(**file_args)]
            aggregations = filter(lambda agg: attribute_filter(agg.metadata, key, value), aggregations)
    return list(aggregations)

as_series(self, series_id, agg_path=None)

Creates a pandas Series object out of an aggregation of type TimeSeries. :param series_id: The series_id of the timeseries result to be converted to a Series object. :param agg_path: Not required. Include this parameter to avoid downloading the aggregation if you already have it downloaded locally. :return: A pandas.Series object

Source code in hsclient/
def as_series(self, series_id: str, agg_path: str = None) -> Dict[int, pandas.Series]:
    Creates a pandas Series object out of an aggregation of type TimeSeries.
    :param series_id: The series_id of the timeseries result to be converted to a Series object.
    :param agg_path: Not required.  Include this parameter to avoid downloading the aggregation if you already have
    it downloaded locally.
    :return: A pandas.Series object

    def to_series(timeseries_file: str):
        con = sqlite3.connect(timeseries_file)
        return pandas.read_sql(
            f'SELECT * FROM TimeSeriesResultValues WHERE ResultID IN '
            f'(SELECT ResultID FROM Results WHERE ResultUUID = "{series_id}");',

    if agg_path is None:
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td:
            # zip extracted to folder with main file name
            file_name = self.file(extension=".sqlite").name
            return to_series(urljoin(td, file_name, file_name))
    return to_series(urljoin(agg_path, self.file(extension=".sqlite").name))

file(self, search_aggregations=False, **kwargs)

Returns a single file in the resource that matches the filtering parameters :param search_aggregations: Defaults False, set to true to search aggregations :params **kwargs: Search by properties on the File object (path, name, extension, folder, checksum url) :return: A File object matching the filter parameters or None if no matching File was found

Source code in hsclient/
def file(self, search_aggregations=False, **kwargs) -> File:
    Returns a single file in the resource that matches the filtering parameters
    :param search_aggregations: Defaults False, set to true to search aggregations
    :params **kwargs: Search by properties on the File object (path, name, extension, folder, checksum url)
    :return: A File object matching the filter parameters or None if no matching File was found
    files = self.files(search_aggregations=search_aggregations, **kwargs)
    if files:
        return files[0]
    return None

files(self, search_aggregations=False, **kwargs)

List files and filter by properties on the file object using kwargs (i.e. extension='.txt') :param search_aggregations: Defaults False, set to true to search aggregations :params **kwargs: Search by properties on the File object (path, name, extension, folder, checksum url) :return: a List of File objects matching the filter parameters

Source code in hsclient/
def files(self, search_aggregations: bool = False, **kwargs) -> List[File]:
    List files and filter by properties on the file object using kwargs (i.e. extension='.txt')
    :param search_aggregations: Defaults False, set to true to search aggregations
    :params **kwargs: Search by properties on the File object (path, name, extension, folder, checksum url)
    :return: a List of File objects matching the filter parameters
    files = self._files
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        files = list(filter(lambda file: attribute_filter(file, key, value), files))
    if search_aggregations:
        for aggregation in self.aggregations():
            files = files + list(aggregation.files(search_aggregations=search_aggregations, **kwargs))
    return files


Forces the retrieval of the resource map and metadata files. Currently this is implemented to be lazy and will only retrieve those files again after another call to access them is made. This will be later updated to be eager and retrieve the files asynchronously.

Source code in hsclient/
def refresh(self) -> None:
    Forces the retrieval of the resource map and metadata files.  Currently this is implemented to be lazy and will
    only retrieve those files again after another call to access them is made.  This will be later updated to be
    eager and retrieve the files asynchronously.
    # TODO, refresh should destroy the aggregation objects and async fetch everything.
    self._retrieved_map = None
    self._retrieved_metadata = None
    self._parsed_files = None
    self._parsed_aggregations = None
    self._parsed_checksums = None


Saves the metadata back to HydroShare :return: None

Source code in hsclient/
def save(self) -> None:
    Saves the metadata back to HydroShare
    :return: None
    metadata_file = self.metadata_file
    metadata_string = rdf_string(self._retrieved_metadata, rdf_format="xml")
    url = urljoin(self._hsapi_path, "ingest_metadata")
    self._hs_session.upload_file(url, files={'file': (metadata_file, metadata_string)})