Represents a Resource in HydroShare

access_permission property readonly

Retrieves the access permissions of the resource :return: JSON object

metadata_file property readonly

The path to the metadata file

resource_id: str property readonly

The resource id (guid) of the HydroShare resource

aggregation_delete(self, aggregation)

Deletes an aggregation from HydroShare. This deletes the files and metadata in the aggregation. :param aggregation: The aggregation object to delete :return: None

Source code in hsclient/
def aggregation_delete(self, aggregation: Aggregation) -> None:
    Deletes an aggregation from HydroShare.  This deletes the files and metadata in the aggregation.
    :param aggregation: The aggregation object to delete
    :return: None
    path = urljoin(
        aggregation.metadata.type.value + "LogicalFile",
    aggregation._hs_session.delete(path, status_code=200)

aggregation_download(self, aggregation, save_path='', unzip_to=None)

Download an aggregation from HydroShare :param aggregation: The aggreation to download :param save_path: The local path to save the aggregation to, defaults to the current directory :param unzip_to: If set, the resulting download will be unzipped to the specified path :return: None

Source code in hsclient/
def aggregation_download(self, aggregation: Aggregation, save_path: str = "", unzip_to: str = None) -> str:
    Download an aggregation from HydroShare
    :param aggregation: The aggreation to download
    :param save_path: The local path to save the aggregation to, defaults to the current directory
    :param unzip_to: If set, the resulting download will be unzipped to the specified path
    :return: None
    return aggregation._download(save_path=save_path, unzip_to=unzip_to)

aggregation_remove(self, aggregation)

Removes an aggregation from HydroShare. This does not remove the files in the aggregation. :param aggregation: The aggregation object to remove :return: None

Source code in hsclient/
def aggregation_remove(self, aggregation: Aggregation) -> None:
    Removes an aggregation from HydroShare.  This does not remove the files in the aggregation.
    :param aggregation: The aggregation object to remove
    :return: None
    path = urljoin(
        aggregation.metadata.type.value + "LogicalFile",
    ), status_code=200)


Copies this Resource into a new resource on HydroShare returns: A Resource object of the newly copied resource

Source code in hsclient/
def copy(self):
    Copies this Resource into a new resource on HydroShare
    returns: A Resource object of the newly copied resource
    path = urljoin(self._hsapi_path, "copy")
    response =, status_code=202)
    resource_id = response.text
    return Resource("/resource/{}/data/resourcemap.xml".format(resource_id), self._hs_session)


Deletes the resource on HydroShare :return: None

Source code in hsclient/
def delete(self) -> None:
    Deletes the resource on HydroShare
    :return: None
    hsapi_path = self._hsapi_path
    self._hs_session.delete(hsapi_path, status_code=204)

download(self, save_path='')

Downloads a zipped bagit archive of the resource from HydroShare param save_path: A local path to save the bag to, defaults to the current working directory returns: The relative pathname of the download

Source code in hsclient/
def download(self, save_path: str = "") -> str:
    Downloads a zipped bagit archive of the resource from HydroShare
    param save_path: A local path to save the bag to, defaults to the current working directory
    returns: The relative pathname of the download
    return self._hs_session.retrieve_bag(self._hsapi_path, save_path=save_path)

file_aggregate(self, path, agg_type, refresh=True)

Aggregate a file to a HydroShare aggregation type. Aggregating files allows you to specify metadata specific to the files associated with the aggregation. To set a FileSet aggregation, include the path to the folder or a file in the folder you would like to create a FileSet aggregation from. :param path: The path to the file to aggregate :param agg_type: The AggregationType to create :param refresh: Defaults True, toggles automatic refreshing of the updated resource in HydroShare :return: The newly created Aggregation object if refresh is True

Source code in hsclient/
def file_aggregate(self, path: str, agg_type: AggregationType, refresh: bool = True):
    Aggregate a file to a HydroShare aggregation type.  Aggregating files allows you to specify metadata specific
    to the files associated with the aggregation.  To set a FileSet aggregation, include the path to the folder or
    a file in the folder you would like to create a FileSet aggregation from.
    :param path: The path to the file to aggregate
    :param agg_type: The AggregationType to create
    :param refresh: Defaults True, toggles automatic refreshing of the updated resource in HydroShare
    :return: The newly created Aggregation object if refresh is True
    type_value = agg_type.value
    data = {}
    if agg_type == AggregationType.SingleFileAggregation:
        type_value = 'SingleFile'
    if agg_type == AggregationType.FileSetAggregation:
        relative_path = dirname(path)
        data = {"folder_path": relative_path}

    url = urljoin(self._hsapi_path, "functions", "set-file-type", path, type_value), status_code=201, data=data)
    if refresh:
        # Only return the newly created aggregation if a refresh is requested
        return self.aggregation(file__path=path)

file_delete(self, path=None)

Delete a file on HydroShare :param path: The path to the file :return: None

Source code in hsclient/
def file_delete(self, path: str = None) -> None:
    Delete a file on HydroShare
    :param path: The path to the file
    :return: None

file_download(self, path, save_path='', zipped=False)

Downloads a file from HydroShare :param path: The path to the file :param save_path: The local path to save the file to :param zipped: Defaults to False, set to True to download the file zipped :return: The path to the downloaded file

Source code in hsclient/
def file_download(self, path: str, save_path: str = "", zipped: bool = False):
    Downloads a file from HydroShare
    :param path: The path to the file
    :param save_path: The local path to save the file to
    :param zipped: Defaults to False, set to True to download the file zipped
    :return: The path to the downloaded file
    if zipped:
        return self._hs_session.retrieve_zip(
            urljoin(self._resource_path, "data", "contents", path), save_path, params={"zipped": "true"}
        return self._hs_session.retrieve_file(urljoin(self._resource_path, "data", "contents", path), save_path)

file_rename(self, path, new_path)

Rename a file on HydroShare :param path: The path to the file :param new_path: the renamed path to the file :return: None

Source code in hsclient/
def file_rename(self, path: str, new_path: str) -> None:
    Rename a file on HydroShare
    :param path: The path to the file
    :param new_path: the renamed path to the file
    :return: None
    rename_path = urljoin(self._hsapi_path, "functions", "move-or-rename"), status_code=200, data={"source_path": path, "target_path": new_path})

file_unzip(self, path, overwrite=True, ingest_metadata=True)

Unzips a file on HydroShare :param path: The path to the file to unzip :param overwrite: Defaults to True, set to False to unzip the files into a folder with the zip filename :param ingest_metadata: Defaults to True, set to False to not ingest HydroShare RDF metadata xml files :return: None

Source code in hsclient/
def file_unzip(self, path: str, overwrite: bool = True, ingest_metadata=True) -> None:
    Unzips a file on HydroShare
    :param path: The path to the file to unzip
    :param overwrite: Defaults to True, set to False to unzip the files into a folder with the zip filename
    :param ingest_metadata: Defaults to True, set to False to not ingest HydroShare RDF metadata xml files
    :return: None
    if not path.endswith(".zip"):
        raise Exception("File {} is not a zip, and cannot be unzipped".format(path))
    unzip_path = urljoin(self._hsapi_path, "functions", "unzip", "data", "contents", path)
        unzip_path, status_code=200, data={"overwrite": overwrite, "ingest_metadata": ingest_metadata}

file_upload(self, *files, *, destination_path='')

Uploads files to a folder in HydroShare :param *files: The local file paths to upload :param destination_path: The path on HydroShare to upload the files to, defaults to the root contents directory :return: None

Source code in hsclient/
def file_upload(self, *files: str, destination_path: str = "") -> None:
    Uploads files to a folder in HydroShare
    :param *files: The local file paths to upload
    :param destination_path: The path on HydroShare to upload the files to, defaults to the root contents directory
    :return: None
    if len(files) == 1:
        self._upload(files[0], destination_path=destination_path)
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
            zipped_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, '')
            with ZipFile(zipped_file, 'w') as zipped:
                for file in files:
                    zipped.write(file, os.path.basename(file))
            self._upload(zipped_file, destination_path=destination_path)
            unzip_path = urljoin(
                self._hsapi_path, "functions", "unzip", "data", "contents", destination_path, ''
                unzip_path, status_code=200, data={"overwrite": "true", "ingest_metadata": "true"}

file_zip(self, path, zip_name=None, remove_file=True)

Zip a file on HydroShare :param path: The path to the file :param zip_name: The name of the zipped file :param remove_file: Defaults to True, set to False to not delete the file that was zipped :return: None

Source code in hsclient/
def file_zip(self, path: str, zip_name: str = None, remove_file: bool = True) -> None:
    Zip a file on HydroShare
    :param path: The path to the file
    :param zip_name: The name of the zipped file
    :param remove_file: Defaults to True, set to False to not delete the file that was zipped
    :return: None
    zip_name = basename(path) + ".zip" if not zip_name else zip_name
    data = {"input_coll_path": path, "output_zip_file_name": zip_name, "remove_original_after_zip": remove_file}
    zip_path = urljoin(self._hsapi_path, "functions", "zip"), status_code=200, data=data)

folder_create(self, folder)

Creates a folder on HydroShare :param folder: the folder path to create :return: None

Source code in hsclient/
def folder_create(self, folder: str) -> None:
    Creates a folder on HydroShare
    :param folder: the folder path to create
    :return: None
    path = urljoin(self._hsapi_path, "folders", folder)
    self._hs_session.put(path, status_code=201)

folder_delete(self, path=None)

Deletes a folder on HydroShare :param path: the path to the folder :return: None

Source code in hsclient/
def folder_delete(self, path: str = None) -> None:
    Deletes a folder on HydroShare
    :param path: the path to the folder
    :return: None

folder_download(self, path, save_path='')

Downloads a folder from HydroShare :param path: The path to folder :param save_path: The local path to save the download to, defaults to the current directory :return: The path to the download zipped folder

Source code in hsclient/
def folder_download(self, path: str, save_path: str = ""):
    Downloads a folder from HydroShare
    :param path: The path to folder
    :param save_path: The local path to save the download to, defaults to the current directory
    :return: The path to the download zipped folder
    return self._hs_session.retrieve_zip(
        urljoin(self._resource_path, "data", "contents", path), save_path, params={"zipped": "true"}

folder_rename(self, path, new_path)

Renames a folder on HydroShare :param path: the path to the folder to rename :param new_path: the new path folder name :return: None

Source code in hsclient/
def folder_rename(self, path: str, new_path: str) -> None:
    Renames a folder on HydroShare
    :param path: the path to the folder to rename
    :param new_path: the new path folder name
    :return: None
    self.file_rename(path=path, new_path=new_path)


Creates a new version of the resource on HydroShare :return: A Resource object of the newly created resource version

Source code in hsclient/
def new_version(self):
    Creates a new version of the resource on HydroShare
    :return: A Resource object of the newly created resource version
    path = urljoin(self._hsapi_path, "version")
    response =, status_code=202)
    resource_id = response.text
    return Resource("/resource/{}/data/resourcemap.xml".format(resource_id), self._hs_session)

reference_create(self, file_name, url, path='')

Creates a HydroShare reference object to reference content outside of the resource :param file_name: the file name of the resulting .url file :param url: the url of the referenced content :param path: the path to create the reference in :return: None

Source code in hsclient/
def reference_create(self, file_name: str, url: str, path: str = '') -> None:
    Creates a HydroShare reference object to reference content outside of the resource
    :param file_name: the file name of the resulting .url file
    :param url: the url of the referenced content
    :param path: the path to create the reference in
    :return: None
    request_path = urljoin(self._hsapi_path.replace(self.resource_id, ""), "data-store-add-reference")
        data={"res_id": self.resource_id, "curr_path": path, "ref_name": file_name, "ref_url": url},

reference_update(self, file_name, url, path='')

Updates a HydroShare reference object :param file_name: the file name for the .url file :param url: the url of the referenced content :param path: the path to the directory where the reference is located :return: None

Source code in hsclient/
def reference_update(self, file_name: str, url: str, path: str = '') -> None:
    Updates a HydroShare reference object
    :param file_name: the file name for the .url file
    :param url: the url of the referenced content
    :param path: the path to the directory where the reference is located
    :return: None
    request_path = urljoin(self._hsapi_path.replace(self.resource_id, ""), "data_store_edit_reference_url")
        data={"res_id": self.resource_id, "curr_path": path, "url_filename": file_name, "new_ref_url": url},


Saves the metadata to HydroShare :return: None

Source code in hsclient/
def save(self) -> None:
    Saves the metadata to HydroShare
    :return: None
    metadata_string = rdf_string(self._retrieved_metadata, rdf_format="xml")
    path = urljoin(self._hsapi_path, "ingest_metadata")
    self._hs_session.upload_file(path, files={'file': ('resourcemetadata.xml', metadata_string)})

set_sharing_status(self, public)

Set the sharing status of the resource to public or private :param public: bool, set to True for public, False for private

Source code in hsclient/
def set_sharing_status(self, public: bool):
    Set the sharing status of the resource to public or private
    :param public: bool, set to True for public, False for private
    path = urljoin("hsapi", "resource", "accessRules", self.resource_id)
    data = {'public': public}
    self._hs_session.put(path, status_code=200, data=data)


The system metadata associated with the HydroShare resource returns: JSON object

Source code in hsclient/
def system_metadata(self):
    The system metadata associated with the HydroShare resource
    returns: JSON object
    hsapi_path = urljoin(self._hsapi_path, 'sysmeta')
    return self._hs_session.get(hsapi_path, status_code=200).json()